Course curriculum

    1. How to take a course and how to schedule Nationwide, online certified coaching sessions with Claude Gracy Jr.

    2. Before we begin...let's talk about your court (board) (company) (firm) ordered education requirements:

    3. Rehabilitative Psychoeducation Coaching Quiz Assessment

    1. Lesson 1: Overview of a Certified Rehabilitative Psychoeducation Coaching Process

    2. Lesson 2: Benefits of Certified Coaching for Use in Court, Probation, Parole or Alternative to Suspension

    1. Lesson 1: Understanding Delinquency & Behavior Modification & Mentoring & Coaching

    2. Lesson 2: Intervention Strategies, Risks & Opportunities

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Delinquency Intervention Dialectical Behavior Modification Coaching

    2. Lesson 2: Dialectical Rehabilitation Coaching and Mentorship Skills and Techniques

    1. Lesson 1: Enrolling in the Certified Rehabilitative Coaching Session

    2. Lesson 2: Workbook Options, Coaching Sessions & Certificate Registration

About this course

  • Free
  • 11 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Soul Grace Coaching Co.

Claude Gracy, CHW

Claude Gracy Jr. is a dedicated Community Health Worker (CHW) and a certified Court-Ordered Rehabilitative Psychoeducation Coach. With a strong commitment to community service and personal development, Claude has made significant contributions in the field of rehabilitative education with his "No Soul Left Behind" educational programming. Claude specializes in conducting certified coaching sessions that are recognized by court systems, probation departments, parole boards, and alternative to suspension education programs. His expertise covers a wide range of topics, including anger management, domestic violence, batterer intervention, theft prevention, parenting, decision-making integrity and more. His unique approach to psychoeducation focuses on empowering individuals to make positive changes in their lives. He believes in the power of education as a tool for rehabilitation and works tirelessly to provide accessible and affordable classes to those who need them the most. In addition to his work as a CHW, Claude is also a registered vendor, offering 2-hour courses in anger management, decision making, and theft prevention at a nominal fee of $10. His services have been recognized and are in the process of being approved in multiple counties, including Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, St. Clair, Lapeer Counties. Through his work, Claude Gracy Jr. continues to make a positive impact on his community, helping individuals navigate their personal challenges and fostering a culture of understanding and growth. His dedication to his role as a CHW and psychoeducation coach is a testament to his commitment to community mental health and personal development. Sign up for a 30-minute or 1-hour certified coaching session with Claude today! [email protected]

Claude Gracy Jr., CHW, CRC & Soul Grace Coaching Co.

Certified Community Health Worker and Certified Rehabilitation Coach

Are you required to complete education? Or have you been ordered to engage in rehabilitation coaching as an accompaniment to an online course? Perhaps you believe that a course and a coaching session will improve your case. If so, schedule a 30-minute or 1-hour coaching session and receive a certified coaching session completion letter for use with your respective entity. [email protected]

Discover your potential, starting today

[email protected]