Online Certified U.S. Service Provider

Unleashing the Power of Rehabilitative Psychoeducation

Our rehabilitation psychoeducation (RPE) is an evidence-based intervention with systematic, structured, and didactic knowledge transfer for a rehabilitative condition, and treatment integrating emotional and motivational aspects to enable students to cope with stressful conditions, and to improve treatment adherence and efficacy toward life transformation. In other words, our courses are enlightening, inspirational and will motivate students to move in the direction of their highest good! We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.


Online Courses Designed for Success

Remember that the only constant in life is CHANGE!

  • Online Courses

    Have you been mandated to take online education? Our courses include enrollment proof, workbook and a certificate of accomplishment.

  • Enrollment

    Enrollment is so easy; simply find your category, course & hours and sign up to create your account. Next, pay your tuition, enroll, and get started!

  • Reminders

    We won't let you miss your due date! Once you enroll, you will receive weekly emailed reminders to help you complete your course right on time.

Student Success Guaranteed!

Enrollment is super easy. Use a valid email to sign up. Add your full name for your certificate. Once enrolled, find your course(s) in the new TAB at the top called STUDENT DASHBOARD.

What does my tuition include?

Everything you need to meet your requirements! Enrollment is easy. Work at your own pace from your laptop or smart phone... Your account will contain all enrolled courses and all certificates earned. Instantly download your certificate and send it to anyone!

  • Enrollment Proof

  • Logbook/Worksheet/Letter of Integrity

  • Downloadable Personalized Certificate

  • Weekly Email Reminders to Complete Course


Simply find the course & hours needed, click to sign up for your student account, pay tuition & enroll. Get started immediately!

Certified Nationwide Court Approved Provider

WEHAB Powered By Thinkific, COREPSO Certified NCOei courses are approved in 99% of courts Nationwide.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: WEHAB Powered By Thinkific with Claude Gracy Jr. is an affiliate services provider for National Court Ordered Education Institute, LLC (NCOei) and a member of Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education Providers Services Organization (COREPSO) and will gain commission if you click course links, pay tuition and complete enrollment.

How can I confirm acceptance?

CONFIRM ACCEPTANCE by presenting this course acceptance letter to your entity: 

Course Acceptance Request Letter of Integrity.pdf


 CONFIRMAR ACEPTACIÓN Es obligatorio confirmar la aceptación. Todas las inscripciones son definitivas.

Does your entity require you to have a workbook?

Download and print a COREPSO logbook/workbook below:





¿Su entidad requiere que usted tenga un libro de trabajo?

Descargar Workbook/Corepso Logbook: ¡Cuantas más pruebas de tus logros, mejor!


Certification Justification Letter: If an entity is paying for your certification, use the following letter to prepare your justification documents for certification to present to your entity: 


Click to see a list of titles for all classes: 


Most Popular Courses Below

All courses include: instant enrollment proof, optional workbook, emailed completion reminders & certificate of accomplishment!

Court Preparation

Download and print your request letter (above)

Next, take any one of our free 1-hour courses and receive enrollment proof & certificate to add to your court folder. Show these documents to your court official as proof of your efforts and accomplishments. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

US DOT-SAP Mandated Education

1) Substance Abuse; 2) DWI/DUI/OMVWI; 3) US DOT-SAP Drug Testing Violation of Rules, Guidance & Procedures

Online certified classes meet all DOT 49 CFR Training Requirements. The Department of Transportation's (DOT) rule, 49 CFR Part 40, describes required procedures for conducting workplace drug and alcohol testing for the Federally regulated transportation industry. Click below to see all classes and hours: We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Anger Management Assault Prevention

Abuse and Harassment Prevention Education

“Use your anger for good. Anger to people is like gas to the automobile - it fuels you to move forward and get to a better place. Without it, we would not be motivated to rise to a challenge. It is an energy that compels us to define what is just and unjust.” ― The Gift of Anger, Arun Gandhi We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Decision Making / Impulse Control


Conation. • A term derived from the philosopher Rene DeCartes to describe the point where body, mind and spirit are aligned in decision making. Reconation refers to altering the process of how decisions are made. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Delinquency Intervention Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification

A Dialectical & Analytical Approach to Rehabilitative Psycho-education

Adult & Juvenile Delinquency Intervention, Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification Programs featuring a Dialectical and Analytical Approach to Rehabilitative Psycho-education for probation, alternative to suspension, juvenile and adult criminal courts. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Take a Stand, Speak Out Against Violence

Domestic Violence is Uncomfortable

Domestic violence is easy to overlook because it often happens behind closed doors and it's uncomfortable to get involved. Yet, by publicly speaking out against domestic violence, together we can challenge attitudes towards violence in the home and show that domestic violence is a CRIME and not just unacceptable. Click below to view DV / BIPP / VIP and child abuse classes. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Drugs & Alcohol Awareness DOEP

Substance use disorder (SUD)

SUD is a treatable mental disorder that affects a person’s brain and behavior, leading to their inability to control their use of substances like legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, or medications. Symptoms can be moderate to severe, with addiction being the most severe form of SUD. People with a SUD may also have other mental health disorders, and people with mental health disorders may also struggle with substance use. National Institute of Mental Health - Click below to view classes for DOEP SOP / IOP, Substance Abuse, Drugs & Alcohol Awareness, DEJ, Cannabis / Vaping. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Common Drunk Driving Acronyms

In addition to DUI and OWI, some states use other terms such as:

Operating under the influence (OUI), Operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI), Operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant (OVUII), Driving while intoxicated (DWI), Operating a motor vehicle while impaired (OMVWI), Driving while ability impaired (DWAI), Driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII). Click below to discover DWI / DUI / OMVWI and driving safety courses. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Parenting Courses

1-104-hours Co/Parenting, Child Nurturing, Family Stabilization

A good parent will sometimes question themselves and the choices they make for their child. A bad parent simply doesn't care enough about their child to question themselves. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Theft Prevention, Petit/Grand Larceny, Shoplifting, Check/ Credit Card Fraud

Have you ever wondered about the psychological implications of stealing?

Lack consciousness can manifest as a pervasive feeling of not having enough, a hyper focus on how a thing will manifest, or a flat out focus on the inability of it manifesting at all—whether that be time, money, relationships. Also known as a scarcity mindset, this type of thought processing can be a self-fulfilling prophecy because these false beliefs may keep you stuck in scarcity. Your thoughts affect literally every move you make. Feel that statement, because if you truly understand how much control your subconscious mind has over you, you can appreciate how much power your own words possess over the circumstances of your life. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Professional Certifications

Criminal Justice and Mental Health Court Continuing Education

Get a Professional Program Training Certification or a Master Trainer Certification. Good for two years, the Certification comprises practice Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions, Dialectical eCoaching, Discussions, Assessments and Final Exams. Enrollment Proof, Training Transcript/Coaching Curriculum as well as C.O.R.E. Website & Course Development Training. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Crisis Intervention

If you are in a life threatening emergency, please call 911.

C.O.R.E.P.S.O. & WEHAB Powered By Thinkific crisis intervention policy: “If you have an emergency, please dial 911. For help with domestic violence call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. For Alcoholics  Anonymous call (800) 396-1602. For help with drugs, call the drug help line at (855) 435-5596. For all other crises, call your local area police for help. Any student needing help with the C.O.R.E.P.S.O. Health and Wellness materials should contact our in-house health psychologist by calling our main number at (936) 444-7508 or emailing [email protected]."

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

COREPSO Diversity Equity Inclusion.pdf