Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education (C.O.R.E.)

By WEHAB Powered By Thinkific, Certified Education Service Provider

  • Online Courses

    Have you been mandated to take online education? Our courses include enrollment proof, workbook and a certificate of accomplishment.

  • Enrollment

    Enrollment is so easy; simply find your category, course & hours and sign up to create your account. Next, pay your tuition, enroll, and get started!

  • Reminders

    We won't let you miss your due date! Once you enroll, you will receive weekly emailed reminders to help you complete your course right on time.

Student Success Guaranteed!

Enrollment is super easy. Use a valid email to sign up. Add your full name for your certificate. Once enrolled, find your course(s) in the new TAB at the top called STUDENT DASHBOARD.

What does my tuition include?

Everything you need to meet your requirements! Enrollment is easy. Work at your own pace from your laptop or smart phone... Your account will contain all enrolled courses and all certificates earned. Instantly download your certificate and send it to anyone!

  • Enrollment Proof

  • Logbook/Worksheet/Letter of Integrity

  • Downloadable Personalized Certificate

  • Weekly Email Reminders to Complete Course


Simply find the course & hours needed, click to sign up for your student account, pay tuition & enroll. Get started immediately!

Certified Nationwide Court Approved Provider

WEHAB Powered By Thinkific, COREPSO Certified NCOei courses are approved in 99% of courts Nationwide.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: WEHAB Powered By Thinkific with Claude Gracy Jr. is an affiliate services provider for National Court Ordered Education Institute, LLC (NCOei) and a member of Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education Providers Services Organization (COREPSO) and will gain commission if you click course links, pay tuition and complete enrollment.

How can I confirm acceptance?

CONFIRM ACCEPTANCE by presenting this course acceptance letter to your entity: 

Course Acceptance Request Letter of Integrity.pdf


 CONFIRMAR ACEPTACIÓN Es obligatorio confirmar la aceptación. Todas las inscripciones son definitivas.

Does your entity require you to have a workbook?

Download and print a COREPSO logbook/workbook below:





¿Su entidad requiere que usted tenga un libro de trabajo?

Descargar Workbook/Corepso Logbook: ¡Cuantas más pruebas de tus logros, mejor!


Certification Justification Letter: If an entity is paying for your certification, use the following letter to prepare your justification documents for certification to present to your entity: 


Click to see a list of titles for all classes: 


Featured Online Certified Courses Below

Includes Enrollment Proof, Optional Workbook, Instant Certificate, & eMail Reminders. Scroll down to find your course & hours...

Free 1-hour Courses

Nationwide Online Certified Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education

Our rehabilitation psychoeducation (RPE) is an evidence-based intervention with systematic, structured, and didactic knowledge transfer for a rehabilitative condition, and treatment integrating emotional and motivational aspects to enable students to cope with stressful conditions, and to improve treatment adherence and efficacy toward life transformation. In other words, our courses are enlightening, inspirational and will motivate students to move in the direction of their highest good! We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Adult Sentencing - Courtroom Etiquette Training

Nationwide Online Certified Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education

Designed to educate offenders on the United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines recommending certain punishments for certain crimes covering traditional and alternative criminal sentencing options. Includes enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Anger Management, Assault Prevention

2-hours - 104-hours (52-weeks)

Online certified classes designed to heal anger and rage through compassionate introspection of causes, symptoms and solutions. Includes enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Animal Abuse Animal Cruelty Animal Hoarding

2-hours - 104-hours (52-weeks)

Online certified classes designed as Animal abuse intervention and animal cruelty prevention designed to develop animal welfare compassion. Includes cognitive development of empathetic emotional intelligence skills. Community Service Awareness Education. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Bullying/Cyberbully Harassment Awareness

2-hours - 104-hours (52-weeks)

Designed to create awareness and understanding of bullying, cyber-bullying, stalking and harassment law. Includes hazing and inappropriate behaviors and relationships. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Child Maltreatment, Abuse, Neglect, Endangerment Prevention

Child Protection and Welfare Education

Child abuse/neglect are serious public health problems that have long-term impact on health, opportunity, and wellbeing. This course includes all types of abuse / neglect against a child under the age of 18. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Cognitive Skills Development

Awareness, Thoughts, Emotions, Behavior, Actions & Consequences

Online certified classes designed to examine cognitive behavioral processes to develop critical cognitive skills that drive positive behavior change through dialectical Behavior Modification eCoaching. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Community Service Online Courses

Certified Community Enrichment Skills Training

A community service guide to community life skills designed to enhance cognitive development of emotional intelligence, authenticity and integrity. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Curfew Law Violation

Official Order Curfew, Business, Juvenile & Emergency Curfew

There are three main types of curfew laws: Juvenile Curfew Laws, Emergency Curfew Laws & Business Curfew Laws. Juvenile curfew laws are laws that prohibit or limit the right of minors to be out in public at certain times. Emergency curfew laws are generally temporary directives issued by local, state, or federal governments in response to particular crises, such as natural disasters. Business curfew laws are curfews imposed on businesses to maintain and promote public health and safety in times of crisis. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Decision Making Impulse Control Behavior Modification

Thinking Positive for Positive Change

Online certified classes designed to examine decision making and impulse control in relation to thought processes and thinking faculties and how they relate to habits and unconscious behaviors. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Delinquency Intervention, Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification

A Dialectical & Analytical Approach to Rehabilitative Psycho-education

Adult & Juvenile Delinquency Intervention, Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification Programs feature a Dialectical Risk Prevention Approach to Rehabilitative Psycho-education for probation, alternative to suspension, juvenile and adult criminal courts. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Divorce Cooperative Co-Parenting

Extreme Conflict Management

Designed to create awareness of divorce resources, strategies, insights & extreme conflict management education. Includes parenting/co-parenting, effective co-parenting designed to satisfy the Parent Education & Family Stabilization course that is required to obtain a divorce in most States. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

DOEP Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

Substance Abuse Addiction Dependence Prevention

Court/probation drug offender education program (DOEP) designed to address the abuse of drugs and alcohol, cannabis, vaping and street/prescription drugs; Supportive intervention of addiction/abuse / dependence. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Domestic Violence Batterer Intervention DV/BIPP

Intimate Partner Violence Including Victim/Survivor Impact Panels

Online certified classes designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including hours of Survivor Testimonials or Victims Impact Panels (Survivors) (VIP). Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Driving Safety Distracted Driving Prevention

Hands Free Law Awareness, Safe Driving Training

Online certified classes designed as a driving safety education for insurance purposes! Designed to teach about skills and strategies you can use on the road every day. Discover defensive driving techniques to help you deal with aggressive drivers. Explore local laws and traffic rules for drivers. Get tips for proper maintenance of your vehicle so it’s safe before you drive. Learn how to segment intend and drive safely with confidence. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode


Including Victims Impact Panels (VIPs)

Online certified classes for driving under the influence of substances prevention designed as court/probation rehabilitation education for DUI/DWI/OMVWI (cannabis vaping alcohol prescription, street drugs) Includes VIP Victims Impact Panel Survivor Testimony. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

HIV/AIDS Awareness & Education

Healthy Human Sexuality & Substance Abuse & Addiction

Online certified classes designed to teach the essentials of HIV/AIDS and create awareness of drug abuse risk factors. Includes CE training, education, supportive intervention and prevention strategies and techniques. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Life Skills Enrichment

Transformational Enhancement Self-improvement Education

Online certified life skills success mindset classes designed to give you the skills and teach you the values and habits of success minded individuals. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Marijuana /Cannabis / THC / Vaping

A Comprehensive Guide Exploring the History, Science, and Legal Landscape of Cannabis

Did you know that cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for over 3,000 years? 🌿 From ancient China to modern-day America, the journey of cannabis is as fascinating as it is complex. In this course, we’ll explore the history, science, and legal landscape of cannabis, and how it impacts our society today. Whether you’re here to fulfill a court order or simply to expand your knowledge, you’re taking a step towards understanding a topic that is shaping the future of medicine and law. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Minor in Possession Law Awareness

For minors and vendors: includes substance Abuse, Addiction Tolerance & Dependence

Online certified courses supporting the science behind the legal drinking age for juveniles and for vendors. Includes education about the consequences of making bad choices while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Parenting, Co-Parenting, Child Nurturing, Family Stabilization

Building Healthy Family Relationships

Online certified courses designed to develop parenting/co-parenting skills including conscious parenting, child nurturing discipline and healthy family relationships. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Professional Certifications

Criminal Justice Mental Health Court Continuing Education

Get a Professional Program Training Certification/Master Trainer Certification. Good for two years, the Certification comprises practice Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions, Dialectical eCoaching, Discussions, Assessments and Final Exams. Enrollment Proof, Training Transcript/Coaching Curriculum as well as a personalized, professional certification. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Public Intoxication Law Awareness

Including disorderly conduct laws

Online certified courses designed to address Public Intoxication Law and Disorderly Conduct Laws. Includes substance abuse (cannabis, vaping, alcohol, street/prescription drugs) and addiction/abuse prevention with supportive intervention. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Theft by Check Credit Card Fraud

Insufficient Funds Financial Responsibility Education

Online certified courses designed to develop awareness of Bad Check, NSF Check Fraud, Credit Card Fraud and Fraud and theft prevention as well as the psychological dynamics that drive positive behavior change from poverty/lack mentality to success consciousness. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Theft Prevention, Shoplifting

Petit/Grand Larceny Law Awareness

Online certified courses designed to develop awareness of theft prevention laws as well as the psychological dynamics that drive positive behavior change from poverty/lack mentality to success consciousness. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Tobacco Law Awareness & Education

Online Certified Courses for Youth & Vendors

Designed to address tobacco laws put in place to protect our youth from the dangers of smoking and smoking products--for youth and vendors. Includes tobacco products, cannabis, vaping, street drugs and addiction/dependence prevention education. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Trespassing Law Violation

Including Vandalism & Graffiti

Online certified delinquency intervention, criminal behavior modification courses designed to develop awareness of trespassing law violation including Vandalism and Graffiti Laws. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Truancy Law Awareness Cyber-Truancy Prevention

Compulsory School Attendance for Parents & Children

Online certified courses designed to develop awareness of Truancy and Cyber-truancy Laws and educate about safe and peaceful public education engagement for youth and their parents/guardian. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

US DOT-SAP Certified Online Courses

1) Substance Abuse; 2) DWI / DUI / OMVWI; 3) DOT Drug Testing Violation of Rules & Procedures

US DOT-SAP safety first, risk prevention mandated education designed to meet mandatory US DOT return to work education requirements for DOT covered EAP employees. Trusted by SAPs Nationwide. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Weapons Possession Gun Law Awareness

Online Certified Gun Safety Courses Unlawful Possession of a Weapon

Designed for clients charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, discharging a firearm in city limits, felon in possession of a firearm, or any misdemeanor or felony weapons charge. Includes Weapons Possession Law, licensing, regulations & safety; firearms, non-powder guns, knives, nun-chucks & pepperspray. Also covers illegal weapons possession consequences & aggravated assault. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate. We Habilitate Soul Forward--A Crew Concept By Claude Gracy Jr. Soul Goode

Crisis Intervention

If you are in a life threatening emergency, please call 911.

C.O.R.E.P.S.O. & WEHAB Powered By Thinkific crisis intervention policy: “If you have an emergency, please dial 911. For help with domestic violence call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. For Alcoholics  Anonymous call (800) 396-1602. For help with drugs, call the drug help line at (855) 435-5596. For all other crises, call your local area police for help. Any student needing help with the C.O.R.E.P.S.O. Health and Wellness materials should contact our in-house health psychologist by calling our main number at (936) 444-7508 or emailing [email protected]."

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

COREPSO Diversity Equity Inclusion.pdf